Monthly Archives: August 2010

Freelancing update!

Remember a few weeks ago when I did a post using quotes from a book I was reviewing? Maybe not, it’s ok. Well that book was released on August 10 and has received all sorts of attention and accolades from all sorts of press since then. I snagged an interview with Marie Claire fashion director and Project Runway judge Nina Garcia on her new Look Book for the Star-Telegram. Check it out here.

But actually, it all started when I was working on the annual summer sales story for the Star-Telegram. I interviewed various fashion experts for the story and while I was finding people to get tips from, Nina’s book showed up on my editor’s desk. So I got to interview her on her new book and for her thoughts on which trends summer sale shoppers should buy to get ahead for spring/summer 2011.

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Filed under Seasonal, Spring, Summer

Spectator art

The newest episode of Project Runway might go down in history as being my favorite challenge. In all honesty really could have cared less about the designs, I could have spent an hour and a half admiring the Philip Treacy creations. Seriously, they are stunning! And in fact, let’s just call this one of my “When I’m rich and famous” posts, because let’s be real, I would die for some art like this.

While watching this episode I couldn’t help but be transported back to early June when I met with Prudence of Prudence Millinery, also out of London. That meeting a few months ago is the reason I’m so interested in millinery as an art form. The couture hats are pieces of art, I really wish they were more accessible. Actually I take that back, their status and accessibility is probably one reason they are so eye-catching: they aren’t common in daily life. Especially not on a college campus. Take a few moments to be mesmerized.

Forget fingernail sculptures, millinery is the innovative sculpture art of the moment. At least in my opinion. Check out for more shots of his artwork.

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Filed under Designers, When I'm rich and famous

The real world

Since I start my senior year at Baylor on Monday, the real world is starting to seem a lot scarier than just a tired reality show. And with so many of my close friends already there, mostly unemployed, I’m shaking in my boots. But, I’m trying to stay positive…

It’s no secret that I did some freelancing this summer (links to published stories are at the bottom of this post!). After getting more bylines than I originally anticipated – thanks Stephanie and Jenny! – I decided to invest some of the money in my future. Since I’ll be going on interviews for my spring internship and then interning at a great magazine and then, hopefully, interviewing for a real job, I need a business/professional handbag. As a college student my all of my handbags are either tiny bags perfect for going out (they can carry my phone, chapstick, keys, cards and little else) or giant totes that can carry my laptop and spirals for class. Neither really says “I’m ready for a salaried position on your magazine.”

This large leather satchel from Ann Taylor, however, means business. The leather is soft and supple. The turn latch clicks when you switch it. And it’s spacious enough for just what I need – no more and no less. When I’m in an interview I think this handbag will speak volumes without stealing the show. I think one of my favorite things about it is the lack of designer label. There is not a single identifying name or set of initials that would tip someone off as to how much I dropped on it. And it’s about to be mine; I bought it online yesterday and can’t wait for it to arrive at my apartment. Because I might have an interview with one of my favorite magazines to look forward to in the near future, and I want to make sure I don’t have the wrong bag in tow to give off the wrong opinion.

My freelance articles:
Grapevine teen designs and sells her own jewelry line
Back to school looks that make the grade

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Filed under Accesssories, Magazines

My fashion movie must-see list

This summer in the books I’ve been reading – and let’s face it, in general – I’ve come across a bevvy of movies that have an important fashion aspect or influence on fashion. And they all have one thing in common: I must see them ASAP.

1) Annie Hall
Diane Keaton’s take on menswear for womenswear trend hadn’t sparked as much conversation since YSL practically invented the trend twenty-something years prior. I’ve even mentioned the styles from this movie in my writing, admittedly without having ever seen it. Does that make me a poseur?

2) Anything with Grace KellyFirstly, because I’ve not seen a single movie of hers. Secondly, I saw the Grace Kelly at the V&A museum in London earlier this summer and was inspired to find something she’s in a spend an afternoon watching old movies – this has yet to happen. Thirdly, because she was always elegant.

3) Gentlemen Prefer BlondesMarilyn Monroe had the complete opposite image as wholesome Audrey Hepburn, but the woman was glamorous. And so, I have learned, is this movie and the fashion in it.

4) Sweet CharityI must admit, this is on here mainly because I’ve performed the Rich Man’s Frug with a dance company, so part of my burning desire to see this movie stems from that. The other part stems from all of the editorial fashion spreads that are styled in the image of this musical and it’s various dance sequences – most notably, the Rich Man’s Frug.

I have a lot of movie-viewing ahead of me in the next two weeks if I want to cross all of these off of my list by the time classes start up again…


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Quotes to think about

While I was off cruising the Caribbean, I was reading a new book to review for my freelancing gig. I won’t say what book yet, but it hits stands really soon. While reading this book (the author’s accent plays in my head while I read, it’s pretty cool, actually) and the quotations that appropriately complement the chapters, I began to ponder how the quotes affected me/spoke to me or otherwise were true of my habits.

“The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her” – Marcelene Cox
This quote immediately stopped me and made me think about how my shopping habits reflected the way I live my life. It’s a shockingly interesting and very true statement about, at least in my case, how I operate. I’m usually very restrained and controlled, so when I shop I usually just window shop; I may try things on, but rarely buy something unless I am on a mission. And if I am on a mission I make sure I’ve done all of the appropriate research. This already says so much about my day-to-day life processes. The only time I break from this is when I’m drunk on a sale (plus the retail discount at my store…), which is a true reflection of my life: I become a tad bit less inhibited and break out of my tightly-wound shell – in a good way, mom – when I have some liquid courage (there are varying degrees of this effect depending on who you are and how much you consume, but that’s really something else entirely isn’t it?).

“Hair style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself” – Hubert de Givenchy
After seeing this quote I couldn’t determine whether I know myself very well or hardly at all. During my freshman year of college, I chopped my hair off to chin length, leaving a good seven or eight inches on the floor. It was cute and flirty at first, but once the “shiny” of the new hairstyle wore off I began willing my hair to grow with everything in me. About two and a half years later my hair is back to the starting length before that cut (my fine hair is prone to breakage and split ends, such a curse!). I would like to think that I’ve let my hair continue to grow because throughout my college years, I’ve been growing also, but it could just as easily be that I’m stubborn and want my long hair back. Ho hum.

“I’m just trying to change the world one sequin at a time” – Lady GaGa
Ok, honest? I didn’t put this in here because it made me stop and think. I burst out laughing instead. This is just what you would expect her to say because coming from anyone else’s mouth, there’s no way it sounds sincere. I love the Lady.

“The best thing is to look natural, but it takes makeup to look natural” –Calvin Klein
If there was ever a quote that defined my approach to makeup in one succinct sentence, this would be it. See, some of my friends (hey, Catharine!) don’t think I wear any makeup. Au contraire. I have a quick regime that can take anywhere between five and fifteen minutes depending on what look I want. That stat usually errs on the lower end, especially day-to-day. I stick to concealer, bronzer, mascara and chapstick (often over a lipstain). Occasionally blush makes an appearance. My face looks fresh and clean, but not buried in foundation and caking creamy things. Ew! So basically my point is that natural is best, it’s my mantra, but it takes a little bit of help from your nearest Sephora.

“Wine is constant proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy” – Benjamin Franklin

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