Monthly Archives: August 2011


Everyone has an item of clothing that gives them confidence, makes them feel ultra sexy/skinny/and all-around better. For me, this pair of jeans does exactly that. They’re like insta-spanx – they slim me down, make my butt and legs look great and, perhaps best of all, leave absolutely no signs of muffin top (because, let’s get real – even if you don’t have it, many wrong pairs of jeans can give anyone muffin top). The dark color, with no fading or whiskering whatsoever, make them great for work, happy hour, date night, etc. Seriously, this pair can do no wrong. The flare might be a little 70’s for many people’s taste, but with an hourglass shape (I pose so you can’t tell, but I have some seriously wide hips), the flare at the bottom balances me out.

The silk top, while tailored, seemed just a little bare, so I belted my waist. Since it’s August (but thanks to Irene, a little cooler out than normal) I rolled the sleeves, which left me wishing I had an awesome cuff to wear at my wrist. Actually, I’m holding out for this Michael Kors rosegold watch. It’s as close to perfect as something could ever be. I’m not a gold person, but my complexion is too warm for silver (that and most of my handbags actually have gold hardware), so the happy medium is this gorgeous timepiece. At $250, it’s a little out of my constantly-broke-intern price range, but I’ll own it one day.

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Filed under Outfit of the Day

Pitbull + Lanvin = WIN!

Dancing (ahem, flailing) models? Check.

Alber Elbaz joining in at the end? Yes, please!

I like it more than the stop-action movie campaign Lanvin did for spring 2011. While that one was on-trend ad-wise, this one has a sense of humor and you can totally tell everyone is enjoying themselves in the process. I bet they even went out line-dancing afterwards. Ok, maybe not. But this campaign is fresh and fun and I hope to see more designers taking their ad campaigns in a similar direction. I can’t wait until this starts popping up as an ad on the side of various blogs – I’ll actually watch it rather than muting it, or turning it off altogether.

Looking forward to spring 2012!

P.S. My Baylor peeps (ehh.. that doesn’t work, does it?) will understand how much I love this because it reminds me of All University SING! This could totally be the first minute of an awkward fraternity act – the moves are spot on!

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Filed under Designers

OOTD: Lace & Leather!

How does one make an ensemble of lace and leather appropriate for the office? Let me show you the ways!

First off, make sure the lace isn’t too boudoir, it needs to be modest. Take a cue from my tee – the high neckline and scalloped hem keep it demure, and the golden beige color keeps it refined. When adding the leather, stick to something loose. If I just told you I was wearing a leather skirt, you’d probably conjure up images of something tight and short, but that’s not cute for the office (unless your office is the Cat Scratch Club). This particular leather skirt earns mondo bonus points for having pockets! Pointer no. 3: in order to keep the outfit modest from head to toe, opt for ballet flats instead of heels. The leather skirt and lace blouse have enough heat on their own (even if they are this modest), adding heels would almost kill the whole thing. I chose a pair of black pointy-toe flats that have a little bit of edgy hardware to keep things interesting. Throwing a pearl and gold chain necklace over the whole thing ensures a “day” vibe. And if not for the skinny belt cinching my waist, this look would be pretty shapeless. Tada! Lace and leather that’s office appropriate! You’re still allowed to play Britney’s “Lace and Leather” on your iPod during your commute.

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Filed under Outfit of the Day